Thursday 19 March 2015

Connecting Essay 3

Reference Image

In this image we see that the photographer has taken a photo a a bloody boot. It looks like the blood has dried up and has clotted making it very crispy. The photographer has taken the image at a low angle because by doing that two things can happen. First is we see the boot in more detail and the boot takes up more of the image. Second we get a blurred affect of the background of the image which takes any unnecessary focus. By doing this it moves the viewers focus over to the boot straight away instead of them looking at the surrounding which shouldn't be the main view of the photo. We also see that the photographer has taken the photo and then decided not to edit it. This works well because it it doesn't create any unnecessary distraction from the main focus of the image being the boot which would be evidence for a murder.

My Image
In this image we see the that I have decided to place  a bloody boot next to a tree stump. In the creation of this image I decided to make it look like the boot had fallen of or gotten caught in the tree stump. I also decided to take it at a low angle so I could get some of tree stump in the image as well. This is because it adds to the affect of the crime. We can also see that this is from a crime because it is also covered in blood and also seems rather worn out and used. I have also decided to change the vibrance and saturation of the image to add a bit more of contrast in the image. This is because the boots surrounding area is rather light and colourful and the boot itself is still dark. It also makes the blood look more red and contrast more against the black of the shoe.

The Connection

Both images are of a boot that is also covered in blood. The difference between the two mediums of blood are in my image the blood is still fairly fresh and hasn't dried out and become crispy. I think that the still fresh blood works better in the image because it is easier to see and the contrast in my image between the crimson blood and the black shoe works well. I also like in my image that there is a large contest between the boot and the surrounding area. It works the same way as the top image because it moves to focus on the boot which is in focus and in mine it moves the focus of the image to the boot because it is like a dark void in the image because everywhere else is colourful and vibrant.

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