Monday 9 March 2015

Research On Lauren Freedman

Lauren Freedman:
The reason I choose to do research on Lauren Freedman is because she does a lot of interesting horror work which I find rather interesting. She does a lot of horror images mainly with females either as a victim or as the horrendous suspect. She also edits them to make them look more horror like to be more interesting. Another reason I decided to choice her to do this on is because her work is quite dark and gruesome which makes it a perfect example of the work I would like to do in my photography project. She also changes the saturation in some of her images to remove the colour from them which is another thing I would like to try in my project.
Here we see a rather horrific photo of a demonic figure holding a doll child upside-down, holding a knife almost looking like it is about to sacrifice the child to some other dark lord or even eat the corpse. 
Here we see a woman getting her throat slit by a machete and her head being held in place by a man. It looks like a decapitation because the machete is almost fully submerged in to the front of her throat.

Here we see someone has had from ear to mouth to ear cut with a knife but only enough  to split up and to show lots of the muscle and the flesh in the mouth.

In this image we see a girl sitting looking rather possessed with blood all over her and sitting in front of a wheat field which makes it look like she is wild.
The way this photographer has influenced me is to do more horror photos out in public places like she does. This is because i think that it creates a rather interesting atmosphere to all of her photos, it makes them seem a lot dark than they actually are. She has also influenced me to try and create a more horrifying images by changing the filters to suit the images.

To summarise she using models to depict horror scene mainly in public and also mainly uses females as her models, which creates more interesting and controversial images. She also uses different filters on each of the images to make them seem more horrific and real.

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