Monday 2 March 2015

Research On Angela Strassheim

Angela Strassheim:
The reason I choose to have a look at Angela Strassheim is because she uses blood stain techniques to get an interesting photo. She splices together aspects of criminology and photography into a rather eerie but often very visual photo. She would take photos of places of struggle long after that initial struggle but uses a solution called "blue star" is capable of activating the physical memory of blood though its contact with remaining proteins on the wall, as seen as above with the white on the wall indicating blood.

Here we see that there has been a blood spray across the wall and has left protein in a spray like form. This indicates that there must have been a blunt force trauma to maybe the back of the victims head causing this spray.

Here we see that there have been multiple areas of impact leaving behind a blood area. This tells us that there had been multiple hits to the victim causing the blood splat areas. 

Here it looks like a knife has been used to cause the spray of of blood causing the long lines or just a single stab wound and then the victim leaning on the wall falling down leaving behind the smear down the wall.
Here we see that the victim has dragged their bloody hand across a column in the room. The door is also open which indicates that they manged to escape. 
 This photographer has influenced me get more interesting and more in depth photos. This makes me want to get images of blood that is no longer present on the scene but can be seen using some sort of chemical or light. This would probably be done by using UV lights to show where there has been any bodily fluid on the crime scene.

To summarise Angela Strassheim uses a chemical which makes blood or bodily fluids re-apprear and then proceeds to take photos of the results in black and white. She would return to crime scenes long after the murder to do this so she could get her desired photos.

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