Thursday 19 March 2015

Connecting Essay 1

Reference Image

In this image we see a group of people clawing at a window. They have taken the image behind a window that has a laminated sheet on it which makes it harder to make out detail of the people unless they are right up against it. This adds to the creepy factor of the image because you can for the ones of the left see their hands in some detail with the blood smears down the and you can only see a shadowy figure for the actual person. The photographer here has taken decided to also include the faces of some of the people to add to the fear factor and to also fill in the space in the image. I think that the photographer has successfully created an interesting image and has made a rather creepy and horror like photo, it almost looks like it has been taken from a zombie horror movie.

My Image
Here in my image I have decided to convert it over to black and white  because it adds to the darkness of the person behind the hand. I think that this works very well because it adds another fear factor to the image which is darkness. Also with my image you can see the blood smears on the glass and it looks like the person is clawing into the wood to try and escape from behind the window. In the background of the image we can just about make out a head and part of a body but no underline features. This works very well because it allows for there to be some sort of mystery to who's hand it is and to the gender of the person behind it.

The Connection

Both images have shadow like figures in the background to add to the fear factor in the image. In the top image you can more easily make out details of the people behind the window which I think works well with colour and the way the photographer has captured the raw anger of the people behind it. In my image the bottom image I like how the you can't make out the details of the person behind it in anyway and you can only make a few guesses as the what they look like from looking at the hand and because it is also in black and white it creates an erie atmosphere to the image making it even more creepy and scary.

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