Monday 2 March 2015

Work Diary - Shoot 5

In this shoot I left my shoe in a forest area and covered it in blood to make it look like it was a shoe worn by a murder. I made it look like it had been caught on a tree trunk at first and then slipped off and then been left with blood still on it. The other was made to look like it had started to be covered up by leaves but then abandoned due to some reason.
In the image bellow you can see that the style of photography I had decided on was mainly doing close-up of the shoe because that is the normal style of taking a photo if it is to be evidence at a crime scene. I also had the camera focused on the shoe and everything else but the shoe out of focus because the shoe is the main focus of the image because it is the piece of evidence that will be used. The light also highlight the good areas on the shoe.
I also decided to use the blood to reflect light to make the image more interesting and also to highlight the section that have the blood. I also think that the blood that is of-focus on the leaf suits it very well because it makes the image seem a lot more interesting and also gives a rather interesting contrast between the red and green of the colours.

This one I had it zoomed in on the boot itself with a some of a plant out of focus with blood on it to add to the effect it has. I also changed the saturation of the image to make it look like it was more fresh blood, this was achieved because the blood looks darker which is the normal colour for blood.

Here I decided to have my shoe partially covered up to make it look like it had been hidden but something happened before it could be fully hidden.
The next section of this I have decided to continue with the murder type and have another crime scene murder in a new area with some more props to make it seem like there was more of a struggle going on to make it more interesting. 

Here we see a woman has been murdered in her room and has struggled to stop the bleeding and then died.

Here we see the murder has dragged the victim to the end of the bed and has slit their throat and has killed them.

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