Monday 9 March 2015

Research On Josha Hoffine

Joshua Hoffine:
The reason I choose to do some research on Joshua Hoffine was because he does some very interesting horror cliche. Some of the main cliches he uses are the monster under the bed and the monster under the stairs in the basement. His main work is to show the horror that children have that is related to monsters, he was criticized for using his children to show the horror but claims that it didn't cause her to have any nightmares. I would like to try and use some the the cliches he uses in my own work because I think that if they are done correctly they can be a very effective tool in a photo shoot.

Here we see his daughter walking down the stairs to the basement and a rather menacing figure  looking rather  hungry at the bottom of the stairs.

In this photo we see children's blocks have been spread out around the floor of the room  and some monster hands with very long protruding fingers are outstretched across the floor.

Here we see another child nightmare of hands and arms emerging from behind a sofa coming towards the child as she innocently watch T.V. blissful to the hands behind her.

Here we see an image of a snake bursting though an air vent scaring a baby.The snake also looks hungry and is about to eat the child.
This photographer has influenced me to use clichés in my work and to use the fear that people have as children in my work. I will do this by also joint it in to movie horror clichés as well to make a more interesting photo. I also plan to use some children in some shot in scared situations as well because I think that will have an effect on people viewing it.

To summarise he uses the cliché fears of children to create interesting images. He also uses models he creates or buys as the monsters and put his kids in positions which a child would find themselves in if they were int he nightmare themselves to make it seem more real.

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