Thursday 16 April 2015

Exam Plan

For my exam I plan to do a zombie type of shoot in both a forest area and also one in a studio but with more body looking parts. This is because it links with both my criminal section and the new horror section I have started to explore into. For my shoot I will need lots of fake blood and make-up to make the four models I have look like zombies. I will also need parts of animals that I will buy a the butchers to act as human flesh being eaten by the zombies. I will also need prop guns as well to use for the survivor shots and also to add to the area to make it look like a more apocalyptic world.
I plan to do this at my house because there is a forest right next to it and also plan to use my own camera. I also plan to use a car to arrive at college and leave. I plan to arrive back at college for about 1 o'clock because that will give me time to download the photos onto the school computer system.

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