Monday 27 April 2015

Work Diary - Shoot 8

In this shot I decided to do a large range of possible horror images that would be viewed as being horrific. I decided at first to get images of someone with white bandages wrapped around their face. I also had them wearing different clothing though out the shot and at the end had blood on the bandages seeping though from the face to make it look more realistic. I thought this would be a good idea because in older horror movies the thing that installed horror in the viewer would be covered in bandages which though out the movie would slowly build up blood on them. The reason I did this is because the people most likely to view these images are of that generation and would appreciate it and also find it to bring up old fears that they had when they were younger.
The main point of this shot was to instal fear in the older audience because the techniques of showing fear I used were all from classic horror movies which I thought would still be rather interesting and horrific to shot. Most of the images are over exposed because it highlights the whites in the images.

In this image I decided to darken the blood in the image by making all red more black, this was to make the blood look more like blood because it was a darker shade of red then I had used. I like this because it looks like something for a vampire TV show poster. I like how the blood is also very dark and also that I managed to capture the blood dripping from the hand. Another point to make on this image is that you can still see where the person stated bleeding from which is the wrist. I think that this makes the image rather controversial because lots of people cut their wrists so this image would make certain people feel rather uncomfortable.
In this image I decided to take a photo of a persons head covered in bandages and then crop it to cover half of their face. I also decided to turn it into black and white because I think that it makes the image look better. Also by doing this you can more easily see the distinction between the sections of the bandage. In this image the criss-cross also looks good and also the small slits for the eyes make it look even more creepy. When I changed the image to black and white and changed the blacks and whites it made the eye slits fully black which made the image look even more creepy then it already was. 
For my next shot I would like to have more classic horror. The way I am going to do this is have a person covered in blood dragging tools like a pickaxe or sledges hammer covered in pieces of people. The reason I think that this would be a good idea is because it reminds people of older horror movies and also is still pretty scary now. For another shot I would like to have them wearing a gas mask and is possible to be in a black mining suit or something along those lines to make it look like it was from a movie. Also the gas mask I use would be an older one from possibly the wear because it comes with a tube which I think that if i covered that in blood would look really interesting.

Here we see an image from the movie "My Bloody Valentine". This is someone with a gas mask with a pickaxe covered in blood. This is the sort of image I would like to get because it is a horrific image of a person with a gas mask and has a gas mask. The person also has a black mining suit which is exactly the sort of image I would like to do. This is the exact image I would like to try and re-create.

Here is another sort of image I would like to do because it looks rather  horrific  and all shows a murder scene. I would like to re-create this image but also with lots of different sorts of tools because I believe that all of the images would be rather interesting. These images would be done outside because they would create a rather erie atmosphere. I would also like to get an image of a person in mid swing so I could also get the fear in someones eyes just before they get hit by one of the tools. I think that this would make some rather interesting images.

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