Tuesday 28 April 2015

Connecting Essay 4

Reference Image

In the reference image above the wide open eye coupled with the reflection shows the fear of what might happen. The blue cast adds to the threatening feeling in the shot. This gives a feeling of suspense and menace. The blood shot eye and the veins show that the person is probably already captive and could have been kidnapped and held for some time and has been badly treated.

My Image

In my own photograph the bandaged eye shows that the person has been treated for some kind of head or eye injury already or is being restrained in some way the veins in the eye add to this feeling. The reflection of the person with a knife (from a previous photoshoot shows) what is about to happen. Turning the image to black and white adds to the menace and feel of the shot. I have also added a vignette to direct the viewer to the action in the reflection. The fact that the eye is not wide open can be read that the person has been so mistreated that nothing is any longer a threat to them. 

The Connection

Both images portray a threat of what is about to happen in the reflection. They are both in the genre of horror images and although similar both can be interpreted in different ways. But it's unmistakable that both are eyes and both show immanent threat. Both also show blood shot eyes and both are heavily manipulated and retouched to evoke a similar feeling and to lead the viewer to look more closely and guess what is going to happen. So both images have an element of suspense.

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