Thursday 19 March 2015

Connecting Essay 3

Reference Image

In this image we see that the photographer has taken a photo a a bloody boot. It looks like the blood has dried up and has clotted making it very crispy. The photographer has taken the image at a low angle because by doing that two things can happen. First is we see the boot in more detail and the boot takes up more of the image. Second we get a blurred affect of the background of the image which takes any unnecessary focus. By doing this it moves the viewers focus over to the boot straight away instead of them looking at the surrounding which shouldn't be the main view of the photo. We also see that the photographer has taken the photo and then decided not to edit it. This works well because it it doesn't create any unnecessary distraction from the main focus of the image being the boot which would be evidence for a murder.

My Image
In this image we see the that I have decided to place  a bloody boot next to a tree stump. In the creation of this image I decided to make it look like the boot had fallen of or gotten caught in the tree stump. I also decided to take it at a low angle so I could get some of tree stump in the image as well. This is because it adds to the affect of the crime. We can also see that this is from a crime because it is also covered in blood and also seems rather worn out and used. I have also decided to change the vibrance and saturation of the image to add a bit more of contrast in the image. This is because the boots surrounding area is rather light and colourful and the boot itself is still dark. It also makes the blood look more red and contrast more against the black of the shoe.

The Connection

Both images are of a boot that is also covered in blood. The difference between the two mediums of blood are in my image the blood is still fairly fresh and hasn't dried out and become crispy. I think that the still fresh blood works better in the image because it is easier to see and the contrast in my image between the crimson blood and the black shoe works well. I also like in my image that there is a large contest between the boot and the surrounding area. It works the same way as the top image because it moves to focus on the boot which is in focus and in mine it moves the focus of the image to the boot because it is like a dark void in the image because everywhere else is colourful and vibrant.

Computer Experiments

Connecting Essay 2

Reference Image

In this image we see that the photographer has taken the picture mid investigation and the scene of crime investigators are even still there. I think that what makes this image successful is the fact that they managed to capture them in the middle of doing something and also managed to capture the camera in mid flash. The thing that makes it interesting is because you know from the image what they were doing you can guess how they would proceed after the image was captured. We also see multiple examples of the police in action during a murder. You can see one person writing down what has happened, one taking photos of the evidence and one of them numbering the different bits of evidence. We can also see a strip of police tape along the middle of the photo which adds to the effect of the image.

My Image
In this image we see a murder victim though some police tape. The successful thing about this image is you can see the body though a small opening in the tape and the tape is blurred out it creates an interesting effect where the body seems smaller. It also looks like the camera is peering though the tape almost as if it isn't suppose to be taking photos.  Another thing that makes this an interesting image is the fact that you can see a small amount of blood on the shoulder and can also see some bleeding from the stomach area. Another thing that makes this an interesting shot is the lighting coming from behind the image it makes the victim look even more dead than without the light.

The Connection

In both images there is a a corpse that is lit up. In both cases the light from what ever source makes the body look even more dead. In the top image the light makes the image even lighter and lights up all the areas where there is blood from the murder. In the bottom image the  light creates a darker effect which makes the make-up on the victim make it seem more pale and also makes it seem like there is no oxygenated blood flowing thought the victims face. Also with both images there is some tape which even though it is some of the main things in the image to is fairly unnoticeable and also helps to show the viewer where about the main action in the image is happening. This works especially well in the bottom image because it covers more of the image it moves the viewers view over to the body quicker then it does in the top image.

Connecting Essay 1

Reference Image

In this image we see a group of people clawing at a window. They have taken the image behind a window that has a laminated sheet on it which makes it harder to make out detail of the people unless they are right up against it. This adds to the creepy factor of the image because you can for the ones of the left see their hands in some detail with the blood smears down the and you can only see a shadowy figure for the actual person. The photographer here has taken decided to also include the faces of some of the people to add to the fear factor and to also fill in the space in the image. I think that the photographer has successfully created an interesting image and has made a rather creepy and horror like photo, it almost looks like it has been taken from a zombie horror movie.

My Image
Here in my image I have decided to convert it over to black and white  because it adds to the darkness of the person behind the hand. I think that this works very well because it adds another fear factor to the image which is darkness. Also with my image you can see the blood smears on the glass and it looks like the person is clawing into the wood to try and escape from behind the window. In the background of the image we can just about make out a head and part of a body but no underline features. This works very well because it allows for there to be some sort of mystery to who's hand it is and to the gender of the person behind it.

The Connection

Both images have shadow like figures in the background to add to the fear factor in the image. In the top image you can more easily make out details of the people behind the window which I think works well with colour and the way the photographer has captured the raw anger of the people behind it. In my image the bottom image I like how the you can't make out the details of the person behind it in anyway and you can only make a few guesses as the what they look like from looking at the hand and because it is also in black and white it creates an erie atmosphere to the image making it even more creepy and scary.

Monday 16 March 2015

Print Techniques

Black and White:

Selective Colour:



Soft Focus:


Work Diary - Shoot 7

In this shoot I decided to put my sister in a shed covered in blood and mud to make it look like she had been locked in there for a long period of time. The reason I did this shoot was because I am expanding out to include horror into my project. This connects both the murder element of the forensic section and also connects to the horror element. Even though I didn't do what I said exactly in the last work diary this section still works on a phycological level.
The reason I think this works on a phycological level is because the images that I took are fairly disturbing and contain some graphic images. These images were very easy to make because it isn't very hard to make a graphic looking image. The images that I think work the best are the ones of just hands and a body in the dark that can't really be seen. This is because those images look really creepy and also look rather menacing.
I like this image because it makes the viewer think about the image while looking at it and if you look at it closely you can see a figure in the window. Just by looking at it you can't tell if it is a reflection or in the window, this is because there is water on the window which distorts the image.

Here we see a black and white hand covered in blood and mud trying to claw out of the door with it's nails. It looks a bit zombie like and also looks very rather old which adds to the horror element of the shoot.
For my next shoot I am going to do some complete horror. I will uses lots of horror props and have a variety of photos that show extreme levels of horror. This will be done by using body parts of animal to look like human body parts and zombie like creatures eating them. I also plan to do some images with costumes and contact lenses for a horror fantasy thing.

Here is an image of a zombie that I will try and recreate. This image has multiple things that I would like to use. Them being bodies, flesh, and an abandoned building.

Here is a scary looking person wear a gas mask and looking though a window rather menacingly.

Straight Images - Shoot 7

Monday 9 March 2015

Research On Lauren Freedman

Lauren Freedman:
The reason I choose to do research on Lauren Freedman is because she does a lot of interesting horror work which I find rather interesting. She does a lot of horror images mainly with females either as a victim or as the horrendous suspect. She also edits them to make them look more horror like to be more interesting. Another reason I decided to choice her to do this on is because her work is quite dark and gruesome which makes it a perfect example of the work I would like to do in my photography project. She also changes the saturation in some of her images to remove the colour from them which is another thing I would like to try in my project.
Here we see a rather horrific photo of a demonic figure holding a doll child upside-down, holding a knife almost looking like it is about to sacrifice the child to some other dark lord or even eat the corpse. 
Here we see a woman getting her throat slit by a machete and her head being held in place by a man. It looks like a decapitation because the machete is almost fully submerged in to the front of her throat.

Here we see someone has had from ear to mouth to ear cut with a knife but only enough  to split up and to show lots of the muscle and the flesh in the mouth.

In this image we see a girl sitting looking rather possessed with blood all over her and sitting in front of a wheat field which makes it look like she is wild.
The way this photographer has influenced me is to do more horror photos out in public places like she does. This is because i think that it creates a rather interesting atmosphere to all of her photos, it makes them seem a lot dark than they actually are. She has also influenced me to try and create a more horrifying images by changing the filters to suit the images.

To summarise she using models to depict horror scene mainly in public and also mainly uses females as her models, which creates more interesting and controversial images. She also uses different filters on each of the images to make them seem more horrific and real.

Research On Josha Hoffine

Joshua Hoffine:
The reason I choose to do some research on Joshua Hoffine was because he does some very interesting horror cliche. Some of the main cliches he uses are the monster under the bed and the monster under the stairs in the basement. His main work is to show the horror that children have that is related to monsters, he was criticized for using his children to show the horror but claims that it didn't cause her to have any nightmares. I would like to try and use some the the cliches he uses in my own work because I think that if they are done correctly they can be a very effective tool in a photo shoot.

Here we see his daughter walking down the stairs to the basement and a rather menacing figure  looking rather  hungry at the bottom of the stairs.

In this photo we see children's blocks have been spread out around the floor of the room  and some monster hands with very long protruding fingers are outstretched across the floor.

Here we see another child nightmare of hands and arms emerging from behind a sofa coming towards the child as she innocently watch T.V. blissful to the hands behind her.

Here we see an image of a snake bursting though an air vent scaring a baby.The snake also looks hungry and is about to eat the child.
This photographer has influenced me to use clichés in my work and to use the fear that people have as children in my work. I will do this by also joint it in to movie horror clichés as well to make a more interesting photo. I also plan to use some children in some shot in scared situations as well because I think that will have an effect on people viewing it.

To summarise he uses the cliché fears of children to create interesting images. He also uses models he creates or buys as the monsters and put his kids in positions which a child would find themselves in if they were int he nightmare themselves to make it seem more real.

Research On Sally Mann

Sally Mann:
The reason I choose to have a look on Sally Mann is because she did loads of photos of corpses each decaying in a different condition. This gives her a wide range of conditions in which a murder victim can be found in, meaning she can see and photograph the way in which dead bodies react to different environments and how the body decays in that environment. This is interesting because it means she has lots of experience with taking photos of dead bodies.

Here we see what happens when a corpse in buried for a long period of time then dug up again. In this we can see that most of the flesh has decayed but there is still hair attached to the top of the body.

In this we see what happens when a body was left outside to be ravaged by wild animals. We can see that large chunks of flesh have been removed. This was probably done by wolfs looking at the tear pattern. 
Here we see what happens when nearly all of the flesh has decomposed and there is just the skeleton left behind. 

Here we see what happens when a body is left outside and then inhabited by spiders. We can see that the eye socket has been fully cover in spider webs and the head is covered.
 This photographer has influenced me to explore the conditions of someones body after the body has began to decompose for a prolonged period of time. I would like to try and experiment with this by leaving flesh and clothing outside for some time and what happens to it after a long period of time has passed.

To summarise Sally Mann took photos of people bodies in lots of conditions to see what prolonged exposure to certain elements of nature does to a human body. She would also take her photos in black and white. This created an effect that made the bodies seem like they had been left out for longer than you would have thought.