Monday 9 February 2015

Work Diary - Shoot Number 2

In this shoot I decided to develop my own ideas of evidence by making some crime evidence bags to use as a prop for my shoot. I had a gun, three knifes, a mask, headphones, hat and scarf, and some scissors. Theses were all shot either in the evidence bag or outside next to the number one indicating that it was a piece of evidence. I did this because it bought they would make a rather interesting photo. I had a combination of out in the open shots, (shots taken at the scene of crime). I also then took photos of the same props in the evidence bags in a different area to make it seem like they had been taken form the crime and then but into storage. I thought it was a good idea to take photos of them in the bags because it isn't something that is normally seen in scene of crime photos.
In the image bellow I edited the image bellow to make it look like the knifes had blood not them. I did this with only one of the images I took because it suited it. In trying to make it look like an authentic scene. This once done by either dropping the knifes from where i was standing almost as if i had just stabbed someone them drop the knifes and run away. I also had some of the images placed because they where  more like a signature.
An example of a criminals signature is a in the bellow image. In some crime cases the murderer would leave behind an item some examples of this are the mask bellow, sometimes playing cards and sometimes they would brand the body of the victim with a tattoo a burn mark or they would cut it out of them.
In this photo we see some bloody looking knifes. The blood was added in photoshop but the placement of them was as if I had just stabbed someone with three knifes and dropped them after each stab. This was to make it seem like a more realistic shot other than a placed shot. I also decided that in this shot I would have a number next to it the same way that they do in an actual crime to indicate where there is evidence that needs to be documented and to show where the evidence is so the scene of crime investigators could easily see where the most important evidence is because of the number allocated to each piece of evidence.

This was a placed shot of a mask that I think that I will include a mask in all my work like a calling card of sort. The reason I chose to use a mask is because in some serial crimes they leave behind a placed mask to show who had been there to do the killing. This mask is essentially a calling card to show the police who they are dealing with. I think that these add to the realism of the image and make it seem more authentic and make it seem slightly more old fashioned. This makes the image seem even more creepier then normal because lots of people are afraid of stuff like this because of the way are culture is.
In my next shoot I am going to try to get another mask but this time maybe on someone or covered in blood. I would also like to get a photo of a person holding a knife with blood dripping from both the hand and the knife it self. I also plan to have blood splatter on the floor from the knifes to make it look like more of a crime scene. I also added it in because it adds an extra layer to the image which makes it rather interesting. The reason because of that is because I think that both of them add a rather erie feel to the photos and would be a rather interesting piece of evidence for a crime. Also I think that it would be a rather interesting thing to photograph as evidence.

Here is an image I would like to get of a hand and knife covered in blood whilst it is dripping blood and if I can get a drop in mid fall like above that would be great.

Here is a gas mask on the street for evidence of a murder. I would do this but with an older type of  gas mask. For example one from the war or something like that.

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