Thursday 5 February 2015

Image Bank - Evidence

Here we see a footprint. A footprint can tell us a lot about a person, this is because we can see how heavy of a step they have to give us a rough build of them and also have a shoe size which we can then match up to any suspects we have.
Here we see that the yellow signs shows the police where there is evidence of a crime that has been left behind by the suspect and could be used to arrest them.
Here is what happens when we apply a fingerprint powder which then shows us where there has been a print.  A fingerprint can be used to prove if a person was at the scene of the crime.
This photo shows evidence of a dead body. The outline shows were there had been a dead body previously.
In this we see a scar which is evidence of some sort of physical harm.
Here we see evidence of self-harm and of someone who has something on their mind that is causing them some stress.
A fingerprint can be evidence of someones identity. This is because each persons fingerprint is unique.
In this image we see evidence of that there was rainfall and that it is still present on the trees in the form of rain drops.
The woe left behind from a pen can be evidence for a numerous amount of things,  one being information.
Here we have evidence that could show that this woman was attacked by someone or something.
In this image we have evidence of a child fear coming to life and attacking him.
Here we have evidence of what happens to a body after it starts to decay.
Here we could have evidence of a demon or of a serial killer either way they it still shows fear and horror. 
Here we have dried blood on a DS which shows us that something has happened to cause someone to bleed.
Here we have a stain of blood which has dried out on some clothing which shows excessive bleeding. 
Here we have an image of one of the astronaut from the Apollo moon landing next to the flag which is still on the moon which gives us proof that we haver visited the moon.

Here we have an image taken by the Hubble space telescope which shows the remnants of a supernova, which tells us that there us to be a star there but it is no longer there because it came to the end of its life.
In this image we see someone crying. This is evidence of a type of emotional trauma that can be caused by anything and cause a physical response.
Here we see a smashed iPhone which is evidence of someones lack of care about their own possession and is evidence that iPhones can break easily.
This image depicts the sun god Ra giving light to the people of Egypt for the faith in him and worship of him.
In this we see the destruction caused by a train crash and how it can cause mass devastation.
This is a bulletin casing found at a crime scene which tells us that there has been some for of shooting that has caused some kind of distress.
This image shows a hole in some clothing which shows evidence of damage to personal possessions.  
Here is a gravestone which repress someones finale burial place on this Earth.

Here we see a new type of cast which is used to help speed up  the recovery of a broken bone.
This is an image of a landfill site which shows evidence of the amount of waste us humans have in this world.
In this image we see the burnt remains of a building were there has been a fire which has caused a lot of damage and tells us there has been a fire in this building.
Here is a woman with blue eyes. The fact that she has blue eyes is evidence of a mutation in the human gene to form blue eyes.
This temple shows us evidence in peoples faith in a higher being then are self.
A bone is evidence of ones death because for a bone to be seen like this it would have to have been form a corpse of a person.

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