Monday 23 February 2015

Work Diary - Shoot 3

In this section I experimented with masks and other forms of murder weapons. I placed three masks in different positions to show what a murders MO could be. Part of their ritual for murder. I also had some bloody knifes which would have been used to stab a victim. I think that after this shoot I will end my interest in using masks, at least not having them be the main focus of the shoot. This is because I don't think that this was a very strong shoot because I got rather boring images from my shoot because it was very limited in what I could do.
The only thing that I think went relatively well was that I used some fake blood during this and I think that I managed to get the splatter pattern of the blood the same way it would be if it was an actual stabbing and murder scene. This is because I know how blood interacts with its environment and also how the human body would blue from a stab wound to the stomach.

Here are three knifes from three people next to the masks used in the murder the large the knife the more dominate that is also the same case for the masks. This would be a three person murder where a group would kill as part of their MO then leave masks and the knifes in places. In this image there a multiple calling cards which could indicates a large group of organisation of them.
Here are some knifes covered in blood after a murder. This would be what would happen if multiple knifes were dropped after each stab with the life and how the blood would splat in areas. the splatter pattern in this image looks correct and looks like newly bled blood from an actual murder scene.
In my next section I would like to have a look at some dead bodies at some murder scenes and try to recreate my own with some bloody murder weapons. I would also like to see how I can make a fake murder look real. This would be done using a real model and by using clothes with knife wounds on them and also with fake blood on them.
Here we see a murder where the person has been assaulted and killed. Here we see the photographer has taken the shot at a low angle which is something I would like to try out.

Here we see some forensic scientists looking at the body and the photographer has taken the shot behind some police tape.

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