Thursday 5 February 2015

Discusion On Evidence

For the initial shoot I will just shoot images of random bits of evidence for example raindrops of trees and leafs on the ground and general stuff like that so I can have a wide range of ideas to then change according to how I want to continue this subject of evidence.

For my project on evidence I am going to start of with forensic evidence because I find that to be the most interesting sub-subject that is related to evidence as a whole. I am going to have it slowly evolve from basic forensic evidence, for example plastic bags with weapons in it and bits of evidence, then
slowly move over to taking photos of weapons covered in blood until i get to actually making dead bodies and take photos of re-created murder scene that I think of. This will then evolve into a more horror side of photography so that I can still keep it close to the whole murder and investigation part but have more freedom to explore the different ways of taking photos of a body and the murderer.
Here is a type of image I would try to start of with. It is just a
plastic evidence bag with the label "EVIDENCE".

One way I am going to approach this is by trying to create my own murder scenes and trying to make them look fairly gruesome and horrific, which will link into my second section of the project which is horror the way I plan to approach that is by ending the forensic section with a murder like scene and then moving over to the horror side.For my forensic evidence I am going to start by using basic levels of evidence to with crime and murder and then slowly moving on to an actual murder scene and take photos of murders with the props I used in evidence bags to make it look like they were collected after the final murder piece to add some clarity to it. For my final piece I am going to have a combination of both horror and forensic. This is going to be an extremely horrific murder so it can be linked into both. I might also add some fantasy elements intuit just to make it even more interesting.
This is an image of a horror murder scene
this is something that I plan to try and
do to link the horror into the forensic.
For my horror section the main focus will be zombie horror and fantasy horror. I plan to uses lots of props while I shot. The props I want to use are contact lenses and costumes less for horror and more for phycological mind games. This will be images that may not be full of horror but by looking at it you will be full of fear.
This is the type of image I would like to try and get because
it inspires fear and doubt in people who look at it. This is
because it is a fairly creepy looking photo and would be
accompanied by photos like this:
By having images like this in the shoot it would make the
above look fairly normal but because you can see what they
have done it creates an atmosphere of fear and doubt about
the main photo.
To sum up I have to main shoot ideas and will have two types of images on my blog. Forensic and murder which is from the evidence section.  Then I will have horror which is linked to the murder section of the forensic photography.

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