Monday 9 February 2015

Work Diary - Initial Response Shoot

In this shoot I went out and took some initial photos of my chosen topic, which is "Evidence". In the shoot the photos taken were a wide range of photos to do with lots of things that can easily be related to evidence. The main topic of todays shoot was the evidence that it had been raining earlier on in the day and I mainly took photos that showed that it had been raining and some of what I plan to do in the future.
I decided that after this shoot I wanted to move on to scene of crime photography so I tried to find some areas round the college were it could be associated to a crime. The main thing I found that could be linked to it was I found some red and white tape which indicates an area where a person should not go. I also found some graffiti which in some case can be linked to a crime. An example of this would be a gang symbol found at the scene of the crime because it could indicator a link to the target or to the group that attacked them. I didn't find much more to do with crime after that except for some broken pipe that looked like it had been kicked and broken which could indicate an incident that had occurred. I also took most of my photos the same way a scene of crime investigator would. This style is normally a close-up of the possible evidence. I also only edited it to suit the style of the crime. This was done by making the area darker to make it seem more eire.
The other sections that I took photos of during this is mainly just any kind of evidence. The main example of this (as mentioned above) was the evidence that there was rain earlier on in the day. The photo bellow is a heavily edited photo I took of some grass which had raindrops on them.

In this photo we see that I have taken a photo of some grass. Hanging off the edge of the grass blades was some raindrops which were from the rain that had just gone. In photoshop I decided to edit the photo to make it seem more green and blue an adjusted the colour and made the area in focus more dominate then the top and bottom which I decided to make unfocused when I took the photo because it creates an interesting photo. I edited it to make it look like the grass was greener and bluer because it adds to the image and makes it a more interesting. In this photo I also decided to blur out the top and the bottom of the image and sharpen the middle part of the image. This is so the focus of the viewer is more on the middle section of the image and less of the other sections. I think this worked very well for the bottom half of the image because in the image you can see some very large raindrops hanging from the grass out of focus which I think adds to the effect of the image.
Here I found some tape and blocked off a certain area like they do at a crime scene. The reason I did this was because that is evidence that there was a crime in this place. I changed the colour and vibrance a bit in photoshop to make it look a bit more colourful and gloomy which I think worked fairly well because it creates a sort of happy gloom in the atmosphere of the photo. This is because the colours in the image are rather vibrate which means that they add to the affect of the happy gloom atmosphere.
When I continue this I will do more photos to do with evidence found in crime scenes and photos directly related to crime which I hope to later on evolve into photos of evil stuff for example possessions demons and stuff along those lines. This is because I think that moving on to this would be rather interesting and would make more interesting photos and creating a stronger portfolio. I will start off with criminal work and then move onto the horror section.
In my next work I plan of doing some work with bits of evidence and try to re-create scenes of crimes. I also plan to make an evidence bag to put some of the pieces of evidence in and then take photos of said pieces of evidence. I think that this will be good because it is not a normal thing that they take photos of  this is because they normally take photos at the scene and rarely when they are bagged and in storage.

Here is the outline of where a body was found murdered. This is the evidence of the death. This is a rather interesting photo because it is something that is universally known to everyone because everyone knows what this means.

Also I would like to re-create the corpse of a murder victim because I think that would make a rather interesting image and also would show a lot of evidence for a crime scene because you can tell a lot from a body from a murder scene.

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